Dne Wed, 5 Mar 2014 17:49:54 +0530 Minhaz A V minhazav@gmail.com napsal(a):
In the setUp() of the test class *PMA_ConfigTest *( ./test/classes/PMA_ConfigTest.php ) two objects are created one for testing purpose ($object variable of class) and other as a global variable
the test object is initialized with no parameter, while the global one is initialized with "*config.inc.php*" as a parameter, Although it should be initialized with *"config.sample.inc.php" *as this file exist in codebase while former does not.
Why do you think it should be initialized with existing file? It should be IMHO working configuration, not the sample one.
But there is a problem I'm facing here, for the global version the assertion for permissions is failing, while it should not .... I can't understand this. Can anyone help?
I think that doing assertions on global version is simply wrong.