Hi, I would like to reopen the discussion about this issue. I know you're tired of it, but there are lots of problems for users.
I noticed at least one distro that just copy our libraries/config.default.php into ../config.inc.php!
Unfortunately, many users do not read the doc about installation, and even for some who did read it, there are still problems: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1471501&gr...
Having to close all browser windows is another thing that is not evident for many.
For some reasons, the setup script is not as popular as we hoped (probably due to the directory manipulations related to its use).
My opinion is that we have to think about was it "normal" and expected for the configuration of OSS products.
Is it too late to revert to our old way of keeping BC by compensating with code for missing options?
If it's too late, what about having a config-dist.inc.php that would contain the minimum lines (one server section connecting to localhost with root and no password). People could copy it into config.inc.php and be more happy.