[mcihar] Fix expected output
[mcihar] Enable this test
[mcihar] Add rule to test without coverage reports
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 168 lines...] [exec] +PHP VER,OS: 5.4.4-2 Linux [exec] +LANG: en [exec] +SQL: SELECT * from `aaa`</pre> [exec] +----END RAW----<br /> [exec] +' [exec] [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 12) PMA_bookmark_test::testPMA_Bookmark_getParams [exec] false does not match expected type "array". [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 13) PMA_bookmark_test::testPMA_Bookmark_getList [exec] Failed asserting that two arrays are equal. [exec] --- Expected [exec] +++ Actual [exec] @@ @@ [exec] Array ( [exec] - 'id' => 'id (shared)' [exec] - 'label' => 'label (shared)' [exec] ) [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 14) PMA_bookmark_test::testPMA_Bookmark_get [exec] Failed asserting that two strings are equal. [exec] --- Expected [exec] +++ Actual [exec] @@ @@ [exec] -'SELECT query FROM `phpmyadmin`.`pma_bookmark` WHERE dbase = 'phpmyadmin' AND (user = 'root' OR user = '') AND `id` = 1' [exec] +'' [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 15) PMA_bookmark_test::testPMA_Bookmark_save [exec] Failed asserting that false is true. [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 16) PMA_bookmark_test::testPMA_Bookmark_delete [exec] Failed asserting that false is true. [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 17) PMA_build_html_for_db_test::testPMA_buildHtmlForDb with data set #0 (array('pma'), true, '', 'target=main.php', array('pma', 1, 'byte', 'onClick'), array('pma'), array(array('true', array('pma'))), array(array('pma', 1, 'byte', 'onClick'), '<td class="tool"><input type="checkbox" name="selected_dbs[]" class="checkall" title="pma" value="pma" /></td><td class="name"> <a onclick="if (window.parent.openDb && window.parent.openDb(\'pma\')) return false;" href="index.php?target=main.php&db=pma" title="Jump to database" target="_parent"> pma</a></td><td class="value"><dfn title="">pma</dfn></td><td class="tool" style="text-align: center;"><span class="nowrap"><img src="s_cancel.png" title="Not replicated" alt="Not replicated" /></span></td><td class="tool"><a onclick="if (window.parent.setDb) window.parent.setDb(\'`pma`\');" href="server_privileges.php?target=main.php&checkprivs=pma" title="Check privileges for database "pma"."> <span class="nowrap"><img src="s_rights.png" title="Check Privileges" alt="Check Privileges" /></span></a></td>')) [exec] Failed asserting that two arrays are equal. [exec] --- Expected [exec] +++ Actual [exec] @@ @@ [exec] Array ( [exec] 0 => Array (...) [exec] - 1 => '<td class="tool"><input type="checkbox" name="selected_dbs[]" class="checkall" title="pma" value="pma" /></td><td class="name"> <a onclick="if (window.parent.openDb && window.parent.openDb('pma')) return false;" href="index.php?target=main.php&db=pma" title="Jump to database" target="_parent"> pma</a></td><td class="value">pma</td><td class="tool" style="text-align: center;"><span class="nowrap"><img src="s_cancel.png" title="Not replicated" alt="Not replicated" /></span></td>' [exec] + 1 => '<td class="tool"><input type="checkbox" name="selected_dbs[]" class="checkall" title="pma" value="pma" /></td><td class="name"> <a onclick="if (window.parent.openDb && window.parent.openDb('pma')) return false;" href="index.php?target=main.php&db=pma" title="Jump to database" target="_parent"> pma</a></td><td class="value"><dfn title="">pma</dfn></td><td class="tool" style="text-align: center;"><span class="nowrap"><img src="s_cancel.png" title="Not replicated" alt="Not replicated" /></span></td><td class="tool"><a onclick="if (window.parent.setDb) window.parent.setDb('`pma`');" href="server_privileges.php?target=main.php&checkprivs=pma" title="Check privileges for database "pma"."> <span class="nowrap"><img src="s_rights.png" title="Check Privileges" alt="Check Privileges" /></span></a></td>' [exec] ) [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] -- [exec] [exec] [exec] There were 4 incomplete tests: [exec] [exec] 1) PMA_ConfigTest::testCheckIsHttps [exec] This test has not been implemented yet. [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 2) PMA_ConfigTest::testGetThemeUniqueValue [exec] This test has not been implemented yet. [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 3) PMA_ConfigTest::testCheckPermissions [exec] This test has not been implemented yet. [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 4) PMA_whichCrlf_test::testWhichCrlf [exec] Cannot redefine constant [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] -- [exec] [exec] [exec] There were 5 skipped tests: [exec] [exec] 1) PMA_headerLocation_test::testSendHeaderLocationWithSidUrlWithQuestionMark [exec] Cannot redefine constant/function - missing APD or/and runkit extension [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 2) PMA_headerLocation_test::testSendHeaderLocationWithSidUrlWithoutQuestionMark [exec] Cannot redefine constant/function - missing APD or/and runkit extension [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 3) PMA_headerLocation_test::testSendHeaderLocationWithoutSidWithIis [exec] Cannot redefine constant/function - missing APD or/and runkit extension [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 4) PMA_headerLocation_test::testSendHeaderLocationWithoutSidWithoutIis [exec] Cannot redefine constant/function - missing APD or/and runkit extension [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] 5) PMA_headerLocation_test::testSendHeaderLocationIisLongUri [exec] Cannot redefine constant/function - missing APD or/and runkit extension [exec] [exec] [exec] /usr/bin/phpunit:46 [exec] [exec] FAILURES! [exec] Tests: 977, Assertions: 1725, Failures: 17, Incomplete: 4, Skipped: 5. [exec] Result: 1
phpcpd: [exec] phpcpd 1.3.5 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] Found 11 exact clones with 364 duplicated lines in 9 files: [exec] [exec] - /libraries/plugins/export/ExportLatex.class.php:130-143 [exec] /libraries/plugins/export/ExportOdt.class.php:85-98 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:629-655 [exec] /libraries/schema/Pdf_Relation_Schema.class.php:678-704 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:282-300 [exec] /libraries/schema/Svg_Relation_Schema.class.php:277-295 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:425-446 [exec] /libraries/schema/Svg_Relation_Schema.class.php:392-413 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:473-482 [exec] /libraries/schema/Svg_Relation_Schema.class.php:442-451 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:608-658 [exec] /libraries/schema/Svg_Relation_Schema.class.php:589-639 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:425-446 [exec] /libraries/schema/Visio_Relation_Schema.class.php:223-244 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Eps_Relation_Schema.class.php:608-664 [exec] /libraries/schema/Visio_Relation_Schema.class.php:376-432 [exec] [exec] - /libraries/schema/Dia_Relation_Schema.class.php:753-774 [exec] /libraries/schema/Visio_Relation_Schema.class.php:578-599 [exec] [exec] - /themes/original/css/common.css.php:1271-1292 [exec] /themes/original/css/common.css.php:1275-1296 [exec] [exec] - /themes/original/css/common.css.php:1215-1323 [exec] /themes/pmahomme/css/common.css.php:1574-1682 [exec] [exec] 0.27% duplicated lines out of 133068 total lines of code. [exec] [exec] Time: 7 seconds, Memory: 108.75Mb [exec] Result: 1
phpcs: [exec] Time: 02:20, Memory: 178.75Mb [exec] [exec] Result: 1
phploc: [exec] phploc 1.6.4 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] Directories: 26 [exec] Files: 350 [exec] [exec] Lines of Code (LOC): 133068 [exec] Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code: 0.14 [exec] Comment Lines of Code (CLOC): 40511 [exec] Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC): 92557 [exec] [exec] Namespaces: 0 [exec] Interfaces: 2 [exec] Classes: 156 [exec] Abstract: 20 (12.82%) [exec] Concrete: 136 (87.18%) [exec] Average Class Length (NCLOC): 243 [exec] Methods: 1442 [exec] Scope: [exec] Non-Static: 1268 (87.93%) [exec] Static: 174 (12.07%) [exec] Visibility: [exec] Public: 1058 (73.37%) [exec] Non-Public: 384 (26.63%) [exec] Average Method Length (NCLOC): 26 [exec] Cyclomatic Complexity / Number of Methods: 4.20 [exec] [exec] Anonymous Functions: 0 [exec] Functions: 545 [exec] [exec] Constants: 154 [exec] Global constants: 102 [exec] Class constants: 52
BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2 minutes 50 seconds [CHECKSTYLE] Collecting checkstyle analysis files... [CHECKSTYLE] Finding all files that match the pattern build/logs/checkstyle.xml [CHECKSTYLE] Parsing 1 files in [CHECKSTYLE] Successfully parsed file of module with 8039 warnings. [CHECKSTYLE] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1700 [DRY] Collecting duplicate code analysis files... [DRY] Finding all files that match the pattern build/logs/pmd-cpd.xml [DRY] Parsing 1 files in [DRY] Successfully parsed file of module with 21 warnings. [DRY] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1700 [TASKS] Scanning folder '' for files matching the pattern '**/*.php' - excludes: build/**,libraries/PHPExcel/**,libraries/tcpdf/**,libraries/php-gettext/** [TASKS] Found 469 files to scan for tasks [TASKS] Found 200 open tasks. [TASKS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1700 [ANALYSIS-COLLECTOR] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #1700 Recording plot data Publishing Clover coverage report... Clover xml file does not exist in: called: clover.xml and will not be copied to: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/phpMyAdmin-continuous/builds/2012-07-18_15-11-22/clover.xml Could not find 'build/logs/clover.xml'. Did you generate the XML report for Clover? [htmlpublisher] Archiving HTML reports... [htmlpublisher] Archiving at PROJECT level to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/phpMyAdmin-continuous/htmlreports/Code_Coverage ERROR: Directory '' exists but failed copying to '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/phpMyAdmin-continuous/htmlreports/Code_Coverage'. ERROR: This is especially strange since your build otherwise succeeded. Build step 'Publish HTML reports' changed build result to FAILURE [xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record. [xUnit] [INFO] - Processing PHPUnit-3.4 (default) [xUnit] [INFO] - [PHPUnit-3.4 (default)] - 1 test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'build/logs/junit.xml' relative to '' for the testing framework 'PHPUnit-3.4 (default)'. [xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Failed Tests' threshold. [xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold. [xUnit] [INFO] - Setting the build status to FAILURE [xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.