On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Loïc wrote:
- In the table properties page do we really need the browse/select/insert/delete and drop table links at the middle and the bottom of the page since they are already at the top?
I would get rid of the "Drop" link on the top of the page, get rid of the BSID links in the middle, then move the BSID links from above the table properties to below the table properties.
- I'm about to add a "libs" sub-directory where will be stored all the libraries because I think we should split the big "lib.inc.php3" in three smallest files:
- one with common stuff (its name would be "common.inc.php3"... or "lib.inc.php3");
- one with the functions used to display table ("display_table.inc.php3");
- and the last one with the functions used to build dump files ("dump.inc.php3").
Go for it.
- About the cfgShowBlob variable I wonder if it's the right limitation. I mean if the problem is to hide binary data, we should also test other column types and flags (varchar binary....) and rename this setting to cfgShowBinary.
I thought we had already discussed that char binary and varchar binary fields don't necessarily hold binary data; the binary attribute only affects the sort order.
A more annoying thing: please have a look here: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=137826&forum_id=72908
Steve faced the same problem but I can't reproduce it. Does anyone else faced it and may find where the error is?
Never seen it.