Hi Robin!
Thanks, your suggestions were very valuable to me. I think this is the way to be done. I will sit down the next weekend (where I'm on vacation, so a lot of free time) and walk through the code. If everything runs smoothly (which I suspect) we can talk about my implementation at the end of next week.
Are there any major changes I should wait to be done in the next days? I currently use 2.4.0-dev (latest CVS)...
Another solution could be not to store the php-code in a database, but instead hard-code it into the script. This will lose additional complexity and abilities to customize code, but could be much safer.
I see no loss of customizing code, and it would actually become easier to manege. I don't get where you see the loss of complexity?
The loss of complexity would be, that phpMyAdmin Users (in auth-mode other than 'superuser') don't usually have access to the phpMyAdmin-Codebase. So they can't create their own transformations. But I think the phpcode-in-database issue has been dropped of good reasons completely, so I don't waste my creativity on that any more. ;)
Regards, Garvin.