Le 2012-08-15 16:24, Thilina Buddika Abeyrathna a écrit :
Hi Marc, I'm looking [1] bug in the table operation page, I 'git checkout' to very old commit and check the same bug in there, But still this bug was there, I found that, first bad commit was 4d2fcd910bc7e07114fcc76f55705c1a6e8c685e (This is not a my commit) I can't figure out where is this error happen.
[1] - http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3555235&group_id=230...
Thilina, please use "git bisect" [2] to find the problematic commits. I used
git bisect start HEAD QA_3_5
and found this:
a16e723048940f87b4be4b4097d16c4376826f2c is the first bad commit commit a16e723048940f87b4be4b4097d16c4376826f2c Author: Rouslan Placella rouslan@placella.com Date: Mon Jun 11 17:58:35 2012 +0100
Dropped PMA_ajaxResponse()
[2] http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/Git#Finding_problematic_commit