Hello ,
I already send this email to the users list but I did not get any response. If is my error please send me an email with a possible solution!
Thank you all for your wonderful program!
After I updated to the last version 2.2.0 for php3 and select from the main page "Databases statistics" I receive this errors with the PHP Version 3.0.14:
Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /home/web/php/phpMyAdmin/db_stats.php3 on line 61
Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /home/web/php/phpMyAdmin/db_stats.php3 on line 62
Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /home/web/php/phpMyAdmin/db_stats.php3 on line 63
Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /home/web/php/phpMyAdmin/db_stats.php3 on line 64
Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /home/web/php/phpMyAdmin/db_stats.php3 on line 65
Warning: Cannot add more header information - the header was already sent (header information may be added only before any output is generated from the script - check for text or whitespace outside PHP tags, or calls to functions that output text) in /home/web/php/phpMyAdmin/db_stats.php3 on line 67
Thank you for your help and for the solution to this problem. Radu