Ciao Loic & everybody,
First of all, please have a look at the pages, and the links in the menu. Ftp access will come in a few days, but that's already much better, don't you think ? :)
On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 06:07:37PM +0200, Loïc wrote:
So now, what about a 2.2.0 (or 2.5.0 ?) this week-end ?
I prefer 2.2.0 because no huge testings have been done yet
seems that (nearly) everybody is for a 2.2.0, so ok.
As to me, I would like to implement a better authentification system
well, that's perhaps too big for a few days... Maybe we can plan it for 2.3, or 2.2.xx ?
An other way could be to use a db session driven handler (just like phpLib) but then it requires a db and a table to be created before to use phpMyAdmin... We discussed a bit about these alternatives with Marc. Maybe some other ones among you have some more ideas?
1) php4 sessions + will work if cookies are turned off + standard + don't need a special mysql setup - no more php3 support...
2) own (sql-based-) session db + would work with php3 + will work if cookies are turned off (if we add the session ID in all urls) - more complex setup, but could be automated with the bookmarks stuff.
3) cookies + light - won't work if cookies are tuned off
Well, IMHO we can throw away the 3. And also the 1. if we want to keep the whole compatible with php3. But how long will we have to stay stuck to php3 ?
So I guess the 2. ist the "less worse" solution. What do yo think ?
Cheers, Olivier