Am 16.12.2009 14:08, schrieb Marc Delisle:
Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
Am 11.12.2009 14:29, schrieb Herman van Rink:
Marc Delisle wrote:
Herman van Rink a écrit :
I can imagine that some people would rather obscure these facts from view. So yes, lets make ShowServerInfo realy mean all that server info.
I'm working on it.
In that same reasoning maybe we should also offer an option to not display the phpMyAdmin version.
I would wait about this one.
The Drupal community has had a lengthy discussion about this: A good point in made about not relying on security by obscurity.
In a similar fashion we could include a small note in the documentation about which files to delete/hide/make unreadable to keep this info from just every web-client.
no one relies on security by obscurity - at least not here in the pma devel team, IMHO
it is just an information disclosure we (hm, at least i am listening) are talking here about
let the user choose whether to display the information or not - even if i think it makes not much sense
Sebastian, who do you mean by "the user"? The person who runs phpMyAdmin or the one who has access to configure it?
the one who has access to configure it