Hi Michal!
I will probably fill bugreport and look more deeply in that :-)
Thanks for your report. I haven't tested the transformations very thouroughly, and just found a bug which solves your "BLOB" display issue for text-transformations. I will check a fix in shortly.
With the inline image, if it works after clicking, there has to be a problem with your GDLib. Because getting the data in transformation_wrapper for both image and thumbnail is the same code. It only differs that the GDLib code resizes the JPEG data. I'll try to keep an eye on it, maybe Marc can help out here...
image/jpeg: plain - I get "<img src="%s" border="0">"
This one is still work in progress, you're right. :)
text/plain: link - I get "<a href="%1$s" title="%1$s">%1$s</a>"
There seems to be some problem with printf() replacements....
Regards, Garvin.