Hi all
I just wanted to add information to themes page that themes can be seen on my demo server, but I didn't because ssh connection to sf.net is damn slow and editing using this is almost impossible.
This problem reminded me another troubles which are with our current website (eg. links opening insanely in new window, RFE #1351605). How about switching to some CMS which will allow us more comfortable remote editing and content updating?
I know this would include lot of work and I have almost none knowledge about what system to use for website as I never needed such think.
While doing this, I think we should also provide some wiki for user contributed documentation (and probably also for developer docs).
Michal Čihař a écrit :
Response time is good from my place so I added the info, please check it. http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php?themes
I am not ready to invest time in this, but I have experience with Mambo/Joomla and Moodle.
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:31:30 -0400 Marc Delisle Marc.Delisle@cegepsherbrooke.qc.ca wrote:
Response time is good from my place so I added the info, please check it. http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php?themes
Thanks it looks okay.
I am not ready to invest time in this, but I have experience with Mambo/Joomla and Moodle.
I understand, you do already lot of other work.
Michal Čihař schrieb:
While doing this, I think we should also provide some wiki for user contributed documentation (and probably also for developer docs).
this was discussed more than once, someone also offered space and but didn't set it up till now ... don't know why .. probably he is waiting final decision ...
i would have done it already, but Mediawiki runs best at own server not at a shared hoster ...
Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
This was the last message sent to the list from Alexander Turek on 2006-05-03: --------- Hi there,
Michal Čihař schrieb:
I would offer to host this on my server - the one the currently runs my demos (rabus.phpmyadmin.net). It's an Athlon64 2GHz with 1GB RAM and runs Gentoo Linux with Apache 2.0.55, php 5.1.2 and MySQL 5.0.20 (will upgrade to 5.0.21 soon because of security issues).
AMT ---------
i would have done it already, but Mediawiki runs best at own server not at a shared hoster ...
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 15:48:55 +0200 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
If there is enough interest, I could setup it on my host.
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 17:03:28 +0200 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
If MediaWiki would not have problems with safe mode, it would be already installed... I will probably install MoinMoin as it was second candidate :-).
Moin, Moin, sounds nice, it's how we say hello here in northern gernamy, even after noon :)
a pma wiki is a good idea!
Michal Čihař schrieb:
i hope it is not a requirement in moinmoin to use studlycaps to get links ... this is one thing i never understood in wikis, this is ugly: PhpmyadminFaq, HowtoSetupPhpmyadmin, ...
i would prefer mediawiki, and the syntax is more known IMHO ...
what is wrong with safe mode? or why is safe mode enabled?
safe mode is the second thing i don't understand ... and PHP 6 will not have this mode anymore ...
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 18:17:04 +0200 Sebastian Mendel lists@sebastianmendel.de wrote:
cannot find any note on mediawiki about problems with safe mode, what is wrong with this?
Safe mode showed some warnings (I guess that it was not root cause) and then it failed when filling mysql tables and installation stopped. Too lazy/busy to debug that now.
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 18:19:50 +0200 Michal Čihař michal@cihar.com wrote:
The real failure is using utf-8 tables, it miserably fails.
After two hours: Ahh they use connection variable before setting (or somehow invalid), so mysql_query fails.
I've developed a mini cms (no wysiwyg-editor) for other pages. But this is mysql driven, so we need a mysql-db. Perhabs it may be possible to patch this for the pma-homepage. If you can give some requirements, I will know, what's needed. Perhabs it may be possible, to support more languages on the homepage (english, german, french).
Regards Michael
--- Original Message --- Mail from: Michal Čihař Date: 10.08.2006 15:10
On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 09:23:53 +0200 Michael Keck sfnet@michaelkeck.de wrote:
MySQL db is AFAIK not a problem
If you can give some requirements, I will know, what's needed.
We even don't know if somebody will find time to do that :-).
Perhabs it may be possible, to support more languages on the homepage (english, german, french).
That would be great.