Hi everybody,
I just wanted to announce something.
After a long time with the project, I'm going to be pulling out partially.
I have joined Gentoo Linux as one of the lead maintainers for PHP and MySQL. I joined a month ago, while I was still busy with school, but now I'm getting into it. I'm also heading up some other work internal to Gentoo as a mentor, designer and project leader but not really coding that much.
I'll still keep track of PMA CVS as I always do, as well as continue to work on my server-side config (it's at a funky hack stage, working but touching a LOT of the codebase). I have a design change in mind for my server-side config, and I hope to have something good to feed back by late August. I'm also going to stay on the mailing list, but I'll only read it every few days instead of rabiddly like I do currently.
About my code: - SQL Validator: I'll still handle this one personally - SQL parser/analyzer: I'm offering up this to anybody that wants to take it. I think longterm we need to talk to the author of the SQL_Parser PEAR module and merge some of our stuff back to there, and get that used in phpMyAdmin. His SQL_Parser does the majority of what the code myself and Marc wrote up, and a few bits we don't. - other things? I can't remember what all other major code I have touched, but if you find something, ask me on the mailing list.
One other note: could somebody that is definetly still very active and will continue to be (Marc?, Loic?) contact me so they can get my current crontab scripts that handle the automatic updating of the live demo.
You can reach me at my usual email address or 'robbat2@gentoo.org'. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about gentoo as well.