i would like to have feedback what you think about my classes and classes at all.
... do you think it would be better to name the object
$_SESSION['cfg'] than $_SESSION['PMA_Config']? and $_SESSION['theme'] than $_SESSION['PMA_Theme']?
as there should no name space problem with our named and path binded session
i hope to get some performance improvements, as with having these objects in the session PMA does not need to do all this init stuff with every page request (also with later XMLHTTPREQUESTS/AJAX in mind)
Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
i would like to have feedback what you think about my classes and classes at all.
... do you think it would be better to name the object
$_SESSION['cfg'] than $_SESSION['PMA_Config']? and $_SESSION['theme'] than $_SESSION['PMA_Theme']?
as there should no name space problem with our named and path binded session
i hope to get some performance improvements, as with having these objects in the session PMA does not need to do all this init stuff with every page request (also with later XMLHTTPREQUESTS/AJAX in mind)
Hi Sebastian, I still have not found time to learn the new config system. Marc
Hi Sebastian!
i would like to have feedback what you think about my classes and classes at all.
Is this in CVS, or what do you mean?
i hope to get some performance improvements, as with having these objects in the session PMA does not need to do all this init stuff with every page request (also with later XMLHTTPREQUESTS/AJAX in mind)
Putting classes in a session does not increase performance very much. A class still needs to be unserialized, parsed, initialized, and constructed even if the object is in a "session". You would need the PHP SRM (still not very final) for persistent objects throughout multiple page requests.
Creating lightweight classes that can be loaded only if required would help a lot, as they can use lazy initialization.
Best regards, Garvin