On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, [iso-8859-1] Lo�c wrote:
I would like you to test the current CVS version
two important fixes has been commited since 2.2.2-rc1:
- output buffering was never used for the left frame and this
was the reason for a strange behaviour under win XP (it
may also help to fix some crashes with win NT/2000 and
Apache or IIS but I'm not sure of it) ;
- there were a possible security hole with the uploading
Maybe we should plan to roll a rc1 at the end of this week,
this way we may also be able to test PMA under php 4.1.0
that will be released very soon (Zeev talked about today).
I've done a cursory
test with Win98 and Win2K, no bugs in PMA.
Just a not so funny note about sessions and this new
release: see
I'm running PHP-4.2.0dev as at November 23rd, with no problems yet
(apart from one I'll mention below)
register_globals = on + session.use_cookie = on
When you upgrade to the newer PHP, i'm not certain if it's in 4.1.0 or
not, but how the include statement works has changed!
eg if you had 3 files:
and you were including each from the previous:
1.php: include("a/2.php");
2.php: include("a/b/3.php");
that was how you did it.
But now, in the CVS version I have, this has changed, you have to use:
2.php: include("b/3.php");
for it to work!
Robin Hugh Johnson
QTOD: "I used to be an idealist, but I got mugged by reality."
E-Mail : robbat2(a)orbis-terrarum.net
ICQ# : 30269588 or 41961639
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