Hello everyone,
My name is Rouslan and I'm a student from Cork, Ireland. I'm currently studying at the Cork Institute of Technology for an honours degree in Software Development. I have been a user of phpmyadmin for about three years now. So far your tool has been an invaluable for me during the development of web applications.
So I guess that I'm just dropping by to introduce myself a little and I would also like to express my interest in coding for your project this summer as part of the GSOC program. I'm particularly intrigued by the "Support for procedures" gsoc idea from your wiki page.
I have already downloaded the latest source code from the git repository and I'm now poking around to see how things work. I have also already created a fork at repo.or.cz and had a quick go at fixing a bite-sized bug from your tracker.
I will now get stuck in and get up to speed with git (I've only been using mercurial so far), explore your code base a bit more and hopefully attempt to fix one or two other bugs.
Well, I guess I don't have much else to say at the moment. Talk soon.
Take care, Rouslan
( my ohloh profile: http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/Roccivic )