Hi Olivier & all!
Just a question: why has the "
border="0" " been removed from
the framset tag in index.php3 ? Wasn't it nicer before ?
1. With certain browser (NS for win, Moz., IE5.0-5.01...)
border="0" means frame are not resizable, with other ones users
complains that is was really difficult to do it.
2. The selector that were used in the frameset tag were neither
html 4.01, neither xhtml 1.0 compliant.
And instead of:
<p>phpMyAdmin requires a <b>frames-capable</b>browser.</p>
a link to left.php3 would also do the trick : PMA *do*
work in browsers with no frames support, and also in lynx
(and other links, etc.)
OK, I'll have a look at this as soon as I can find time for it.
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