i just found an interesting bug - in the select page if i want to see all columns and one column like something, then the tablename will have a blank in front like ` tablename` and one of the columns has one behind it... if i just want to see some of the columns it works... could we generally trim the string in PMA_backquote (i mean regardless of characterset i doubt that any tablename can ever begin or end with a blank)? Or does anybody have an idea where the blank gets inserted?
is this still happening in current cvs? I cannot reproduce it. Please send a dump of your table. Marc
Beck, Mike wrote:
i just found an interesting bug - in the select page if i want to see all columns and one column like something, then the tablename will have a blank in front like ` tablename` and one of the columns has one behind it... if i just want to see some of the columns it works... could we generally trim the string in PMA_backquote (i mean regardless of characterset i doubt that any tablename can ever begin or end with a blank)? Or does anybody have an idea where the blank gets inserted?