I was trying to solve this bug..I found out what actually is wrong.. When AJAX message is sent after creating the DB..it has success string that the database has been created..and nothing is specified inside PMA_Ajaxresponse() to reload the left frame and just it exits the script execution as soon as it reaches the "exit" of PMA_Ajaxresponse() ... so the files included after that has no meaning in case of AJAX requests...
So to reload the frame javascript is needed to reload it..and the header type of AJAX headers sent is application/json so i think we should embed javascript in the success message only..but nijel suggested sending javascript through ajax is a hack not a solution... so how should i send/invoke javascript in this case...
In case PMA_ReloadNavigation() .. also it uses javascript sent to browser to reload the frame..
AAMIR KHAN a écrit :
I was trying to solve this bug..I found out what actually is wrong..
Hi, It's better to add your comment directly to the bug tracker for 3081099.
You have submitted this patch https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3091778&group_id=23...
so maybe today's comment should be put in the patch tracker with your patch.