Hi everybody
During testing of my patch I found also some bugs or thinks which I think should be done different.
Here is short summary of them:
PDF related problems
- when $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] is set and $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] is not set it produces just MySQL error message, but IMHO it should report that it is wrong configured
- when I want to have just one table in pdf and it doesn't have any relations I get just "Undefined PDF page number!" error
- is it possible to have one table on more pages?
- when I edit tables which will be displayed on some page and I select table instead of one already selected it is added, not replaced
- is there any easy possibily how to use it in just few databases without getting errors in the others?
- it works only with iso-8859-1 charset :-(
- (this is not bug just suggestion) Do you realy think that blue color as default for some types ("colorKeywords" and "colorAdd") is good? It looks as links, what about using for example: #990099
- when I create table with comment, the comment is not displayed (when coloring switched off it is displayed correctly).
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments'] - will it be used or it shouldn't be in config?
How about adding links to db/table structure in left frame? I mostly use this page in PMA and in 2.3.0 it's one more click for me :-(.
When I want to unmark marked row in browse mode it will get pointer not original color and it can not be marked anymore.
I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to add all of these bugs/comments to sf bugtrack.
Regards Michal Cihar nijel at users dot sourceforge dot net http://cihar.liten.cz