Hi All!
After many days of consequent spamming to this list, now a more appropriate topic:
What about a quick 2.5.1 RC? I certainly dislike the frameset bugs and the false variable propagation for safari users. Even though they are a minority, we have received a couple of bugreports, and this personally nags me, as I'm the shameful introducer of those nasty JavaScript creations :-]
After then we should think about branching a 2.6 oder 3.0 trunk to start working on sessions, I propose. BTW, who's willing to put some work into it?
As I haven't had the time to post before (exams...) I would like to say how sad I was to read about robbat2's farewell to the more active development of PMA. I'm not part of the group for a long time, but I certainly think he has provided very precious amounts of code and I had hoped for more to come. But I certainly can understand your reasons, robbat - so may you always walk on the good side of the force, good luck with your Gentoo-efforts! And maybe we'll still get some quality input from you for PMA's future. Thanks, and I'm hoping to speak for others (on a user-side) as well!
Regards, Garvin.
On 20.05.2003 23:56, Garvin Hicking wrote:
What about a quick 2.5.1 RC? I certainly dislike the frameset bugs and the false variable propagation for safari users. Even though they are a minority, we have received a couple of bugreports, and this personally nags me, as I'm the shameful introducer of those nasty JavaScript creations :-]
RC1 is okay for me. I'd preffer to find better (XHTML valid) solution for framesets (but I don't see how to do that...).
After then we should think about branching a 2.6 oder 3.0 trunk to start working on sessions, I propose. BTW, who's willing to put some work into it?
Now I'll have exams, so for next month don't expect much effort from me, but then I'll help...
Garvin Hicking wrote:
Hi All!
After many days of consequent spamming to this list, now a more appropriate topic:
What about a quick 2.5.1 RC? I certainly dislike the frameset bugs and the false variable propagation for safari users. Even though they are a minority, we have received a couple of bugreports, and this personally nags me, as I'm the shameful introducer of those nasty JavaScript creations :-]
Yes, how about on 2003-05-25 (this Sunday) ?
After then we should think about branching a 2.6 oder 3.0 trunk to start working on sessions, I propose. BTW, who's willing to put some work into it?
I am available to work on version 3, but I suggest we first take a few days to discuss the wish list.
- drop support for PHP3 and old MySQL - sessions (as an option, or mandatory? because PHP can be build with --disable-session) - dealing with old bugs...
Hi Marc!
[2.5.1 RC1]
Yes, how about on 2003-05-25 (this Sunday) ?
I'm +1 on this. I haven't yet had the time to check Nijels new export improvements, but as far as I can tell they are non-critical?!
- drop support for PHP3 and old MySQL
- sessions (as an option, or mandatory? because PHP can be build with
- dealing with old bugs...
Yes, we should have a look at the initial discussions we had about this. I'm absolutely positive about having sessions needed for the next PMA. I know of no serious webhoster or have any met any servers using PHP > 4.1.0 without sessions. I don't think we should reinvent the weel to implement our own session storage.
We should also put Templates on the wishlist, even though this is the most difficult part to do, when I look at our code.
After that's been done we could think about a generic DB layer like PEAR::DB to open doors for better postgres and mssql implementations? But I thinks that's a more distant look into the future.
I also want to put some effort into new PMA3, even though I'd rather like to work with some instruction than to make the initial steps :-)
Regards, Garvin.