>but phpMyAdmin not really: when I click on the name in left.php3,
>it reload both frames, and don't let me create a atable for example.
Hu, I can't reproduce any of these problems (win98 SE,
Apache 1.3.20, php 4.06, MySQL 3.23.41)
>But well, that's a minor issue :)
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Hi list,
Trying with current cvs to reproduce this bug, with NN4 or IE 5.0: I can't! I am able to create a
40 fields table (a thing that did not work these days) and all the controls works!
Testers welcome :)
Seems there are still quite some important bugs around...
Let's maybe wait until monday or tuesday: this way we'll have
more time to work on it (and monday Loic will be back too :)
Bon week-end!
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch
Hi Benjamin & all!
>Well I find that quite strange. I had tested a bit and really thought
>comments were harmless in sql queries.
My tests: remove the call to remove_remarks in db_readdump.php3
then try to upload and execute a dump file containing:
---------- file start here ---------
# table `test2` structure
id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
value text NOT NULL,
# table `test2` data
INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (1,'normal data');
INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (2,'!!! Exclamation !!!');
------ eof -------------
You should be displayed an error message because since...
- ... the first comment line and the "create table" statement are
submitted at once...
- ... and the second comment line and the first "insert into"
statement are they are submitted at once...
... mysql understand that the only instruction to execute is the
second "insert into" statement, all other lines are comments :(
>Anyway, if you try to remove comments again, you have
>to ignore '#' that are in SQL strings if you don't want to
>bring back the # bug (#444279).
That's the annoying point...
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Hi Marc & all!
>Just tested with IE 5.0 some dumps, both with .sql and .gz:
>the files generated are ok,
Great :)
>however after the file is saved, IE is still doing something,
>don't know what.
Maybe cleaning memory from useless segments? (I still can't
face the "dump hangs" bug).
>Any other tests needed?
Not at this time, thanks.
I've opened a bug report with known aliases bugs with the
current cvs version (bug #456119). I wonder if these ones
are showstoppers or not...
I'm currently working on bug #444279 that resurfaced
since we have to use back the remove_remark function.
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Hi again!
The patch from Dan & Ignacio is merged into the CVS.
I cannot retain the "text/plain" mime type because most of
the browsers do not suggest to download the generated file
with it but displays it on screen.
BTW I think there is a problem with the "attachment" clause
in the "Content-Disposition" header and IE5.0. Can someone
test this?
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Hi Dan & list!
I've tried to fix this problem. Please have a look at the
last CVS revision and tell me if it works.
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Other little thing: seems there are no checks made on
the Create DB field (main.php3):
if I type "fadfdppö 'fa'fdax" as db name, it will be created
without problem:
drwx------ 2 mysql daemon 35 Aug 28 00:45 fadfdppö \'fa\'fdax
Shouldn't we add a check to see if the name is valid ?
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch
We're a few days before final release of phpMyAdmin 2.2.0 (planned on
next sunday, finally :).
Just in case, if you could test the latest CVS version available under
and check if the latest bugs you noticed have been corrected, that
would be very nice.
Thanks in advance for your feedback on the phpmyadmin-devel mailing
list, or eventually on the users forum.
Olivier Müller, for the devel team.
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch