Hi all,
I did some work on the "table properties" page and, in particular, on
the index editor. As a result, I now have a branch with several
improvements and fixes. I would like to merge with master within the
next few days, unless there are some objections.
* Fix for indexes list that did not respect $cfg['InitialSlidersState']
* Removed some redundant data from AJAX replies
* "Add columns" action only worked when the English language was used
* AJAXified the "create index" action (not sure why this wasn't done)
* Tidied up the layout at the bottom of the table structure page with
some fieldsets
* Index editor:
Some issues with the old implementation of the index editor are:
It was using up way too much horizontal space (900px), by tidying up the
layout of the editor, I brought this down to 450px. I converted the
"primary key warning" into a tooltip to gain a bit of vertical space.
Then there was an issue when a user requested to add a column to the
index editor: the browser fired an HTTP request of the form to the
server, just to get the same form back with an extra empty field. Of
course, this action can be done on the client side by just cloning a row
from the table.
Anyway, there are some low-quality screenshots attached. You can also
pull from the "indexes" branch of
And, your feedback is very welcome :)