Hello everyone,
I'm a student from Munich, Germany and stumbled across the GSoC Idea
of collecting the data that is shown on the server status page and
rendering them as graphs over time. I will apply in the next days,
here is what I thought of implementing when I'm accepted:
Data collection: In the past, I used rrdtool to collect stats on a
server. Its datastore has a limited size - over time old entries get
merged together and the data gets thinner, but is never completely
deleted. Unfortunately, it is not very portable. Therefor, I would
implement a similarily behaving datastore ontop of a mysql table. I
think of storing each set of measures as a row and limit the number of
total rows, making room for new entries by combining one pair of
neighbouring old entries together.
Plotting: On the ideas page GD is suggeted, but I would prefer to use
processing.js, which is a javascript library that draws on a canvas
element with a similar usage.
To connect to the datastore I would build a json interface for the
collected data.
Let me know, what you think of it!
Best regards,