On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 04:02:59PM -0400, Marc Delisle wrote:
This script is used when we detect an old config file. So I guess you just have to put the new definition of $cfg['ColumnTypes'] in config_import.lib.php3 also.
No, it's a bit more complicated: He also needs to insert some code here that is able to detect the old format of the arrays and convert it into the new one.
I don't understand why: those are not configurable by the user...
I agree. Lets actually take $cfg['ColumnTypes'], $cfg['AttributeTypes'], $cfg['Functions'] out of $cfg, and keep it somewhere else instead.
No user should ever be changing these, so that confirms for me that we can move them.
That will also open them up to working better with MySQL 4, as that introduces a number of new functions I am told.
if(MYSQL_INT_VER > 40000) { $dataFunctions['MYSQL4FUNC'] => 'str'; }