Le 2015-09-23 07:34, Remi Collet a écrit :
Le 23/09/2015 12:40, Marc Delisle a écrit :
Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.5.0, which includes many improvements thanks to
Would it be possible to fix, in http://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/require.html
"When using the cookie authentication (the default), the mcrypt extension is strongly suggested."
IIRC, this is not used anymore in phpMyAdmin, only in phpseclib, which works perfectly with openssl.
Cheers, Remi.
P.S.: http://blog.remirepo.net/post/2015/07/07/About-libmcrypt-and-php-mcrypt
Thanks Remi, I will take care of this for phpMyAdmin 4.5.1.