Le 2012-05-04 04:31, Michal Čihař a écrit :
Dne Thu, 03 May 2012 16:41:03 -0400 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info napsal(a):
due to a licensing issue with Highcharts (which we started to use in 3.5.x), we have to think about replacing it with another library. Otherwise, distros like Debian won't accept 3.5.
We'll need:
- ideas for a replacement library (GPL)
From my quick search, jqPlot seemed as best solution:
Still I have no idea what all use cases we need to cover.
Please have a look at [0] to see my first steps with jqPlot, for query profiling.
By the way, I am looking for a solution about our CSS code duplication for products like CodeMirror (and now jqPlot).
[0] https://github.com/lem9/phpmyadmin/commits/QA_3_5-jqplot