Hi all,
I pushed my work to git repo in [0]. My recent commits add functionality to remember the column order, so that when we press next, prev, or anything that refresh the table, we will get same column order. The commits also fix some bugs and implement some previous suggestions. If you have some time, you may test the demo at [1]. Any comment or suggestion is really appreciated. :)
Here is the list of what I did:
- Remember column order in session or phpMyAdmin configuration storage, if configured. - Add "Restore table" button to restore table order. - Add compatibility of column reordering with custom "RowActionLinks" (where to show the actions column) and "RepeatCells" (repeat displaying table header every x cells). In current demo, if we set "RepeatCells" to a small number, we can see lines of headers, and we can drag any header to do the reordering. - Add different header pointer for vertical display when reordering. - Tried to remove the highlighting when we reorder column, but I see that some highlighting (row highlight in horizontal mode) is set from css.
And I have some bug fix for current official git:
- Commit 3e3234b156a300e5517d1239755ff49270f24000. Headers not shown correctly in horizontal mode, when we set RowActionLinks = Nowhere, RepeatCells = some value that enough to display repeated header. Header for checkbox is missing. - Commit b0717ff8d5aa263b572746711acc50f7996ea87d. "Hide" button (after clicking inline edit) not working correctly when we set RowActionLinks = Right.
[0] http://repo.or.cz/w/phpmyadmin/arisferyanto.git [1] http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/gsoc-aris/
-- Aris Feryanto