W dniu 16 lutego 2011 17:07 użytkownik Herman van Rink rink@initfour.nl napisał:
On 09-02-11 20:18, Michal Čihař wrote:
Dne Wed, 9 Feb 2011 19:25:47 +0100 Piotr Przybylski piotr.prz@gmail.com napsal(a):
I think we can safely change user preferences to use json_encode/decode. It's a simpler and faster solution.
I think as well, that's why I've opened this topic.
Using that should not pose a problem for user preferences.
As it's introduced in 3.4 the only problem would be preferences saved by a 3.4 beta version. Losing these would not be a huge issue, as long as log as pma does not feakout over 'corrupted' preference data.
When json_decode() fails it does it silently and returns a null, we can check for it and return an empty array.