The recently used tables is now using ajax. I've just pushed to my repo, so the demo [0] will be available in an hour later. Comment and suggestion are welcome, mainly regarding the ajax-related code: - ajax request in navigation.js - ajax response in navigation.php - ajax trigger in header.inc.php (the triggering is done by adding <script> tag to call js function in the navigation frame, any better way?)
[0] http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/gsoc-aris/
-- Aris Feryanto
On 10 Mei 2011, at 23:49, Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info wrote:
Aris Feryanto a écrit :
I've just got some comments from the feature tracker [0]:
===================================== The only problem I see is that each time I go to a new table, (within the same database) the left column refreshes. Is this to repopulate that list????
I'll try to use ajax to refresh the drop-down list. It would be more convenient if users can still interact with the recent list (in case the user wrongly select the recent table), while the main frame is still loading.
Other comments and suggestions are welcome.
Indeed this is a valid objection to navigation panel reload, and Ajax is promising.
-- Marc Delisle http://infomarc.info