RFE #701 proposes that we should replace the 'Print View' and 'Print View (with Full Texts)' with a 'Print View' Option which should print out the CSS of the page only (i.e. whatever exactly is currently displayed on the page itself).
*I had something in mind about the implementation, but am not able to figure some details. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. *
*Details of implementation:* On clicking the 'Print View' link, it will call a click-handler JQuery function which will get the HTML for the table from the current page, traverse through the HTML.
Then, make a JSON of relevant information such as SQL Query, No. of Rows, Column Heads and then arrays of values in each row *for SQL results* and information such as Table Name, Rows, Type, Collation, Size, Overhead, Comment for *db_structure.php and tbl_structure.php*.
Now, send a POST Request to a PHP file and get the $response (PMA_Response) after making a output with good-looking table and other details and the 'Print' Button.
The main problem I am facing here is that, how should I output the $response ?
I thought of a very-unlike-PMA way: Open a new tab with JS and add HTML to it as
var w = window.open();
But here I guess there will be difficulty to use PMA_Response with its headers(and do I actually need to use PMA_Response or can I just print the $html_output recieved from PHP file).
or Can I somehow use 'target="print_view" ' and get the $response to be shown onto it ?
Also, please suggest any flaws/ possible problems that I may have missed or if you would suggest a different way.