the only 'problem' i see is that Smarty needs a writable directory to store its compiled files - i don't know if it is possible to 'precompile' this files as normally the templates will not be changed by the user
Having need for writable directory is not good, I'd prefer if we could avoid it.
By not supporting the user to choose different smarty templates (which I agree should not be our first goal for introducing them) we can deliver pre-compiled template files in a non-writable directory. Smarty's compile checks can be disabled/bypassed, so that it will work okay. It would just be required upon bundling the release to parse the compiled templates in a single run so that the right compiled *.php files are delivered.
Actually disabling the compile checks would also speed things up a bit.
And I agree, forcing a writable directory wouldn't be so great security-wise.
Best regards, Garvin
- -- ++ Garvin Hicking | Web-Entwickler [PHP] | www.garv.in | ICQ 21392242 ++ Developer of | www.phpMyAdmin.net | www.s9y.org
++ Make me happy | http://wishes.garv.in