On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Atul Pratap Singh < atulpratapsingh05@gmail.com> wrote:
On 3/3/14, Smita kumarismita62@gmail.com wrote:
I was looking at the bug http://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/4301/. I think, If the query execution is not redirecting page, ie it's happening
the same page via an ajax request then there are two ways we can approach it.
- Append an another Query box below previous Query box for all the
following requests. So in this case, we'll have separate query boxes for each operation performed on the page.
Smita, Similar behavior occurs when:- In Browse mode, click on "Edit" in a table row => On edit page change something and click Go => see two SQL query boxes with UPDATE query box on top not below.
Yeah, skipping UPDATE query sounds good to me and In the success popup I think it's fine to just show the updation success message?
But IMO, we could skip showing UPDATE query altogether if the user did
it with grid edit. Or we could also show SQL query momentarily in the success message that pops up.
- Append the query itself with separator semicolon in the same existing
query box. In this case we'll have same just one Query box having all the Queries appended with separator semicolon.
Please let me know if any concern, and what approach we can take to solve the same ?
Fixing the bug will also make sure that user will have list of all the queries performed on relation in order that resulted into the results displayed on the page.
If you mean showing a sort of history of SQL queries, I don't think main Browse page is suitable place for that.
Atul Pratap Singh http://blog.atulsisodia.in/
Thanks and Regards Smita Kumari
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