Hi all!
A user of 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 came to me today because the edit row page kept on coming up incomplete. Only part of the HTML was output. It seamed to stop just before a certain field was being displayed. Further investigation shows that the HTML output varies. Sometimes more of the <option>'s tags would be listed and sometimes not for the same row.
I've tried this with 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 on MySQL 3.23.31 and 3.23.42 with the same results. I've tried it with 2.1.0 and I didn't have a problem, except the editing binary data problem. :o)
Here is a mysqldump of the table and one row.
http://www.iberkshires.com/~josh/iberk_test.dump.gz (9k)
Can someone else try to recreate this? If so please tell me I'm not insane. =)