I uploaded a revision for patch #2825187https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2825187&group_id=23067&atid=377410at sourceforge.net http://zixan.info/?UlByGmx_.
- Please don't worry about changes in libraries/config.default.php other than the addition of $cfg['Servers'][$i]['enable_userprefs'] = TRUE;. I made other changes just for the sake of my local system. - I tried to generalize lang strings by excluding settings' name from the error message. Each setting name is set in server_perm_storage.php. I just had a thought that it may cause a conflict with other languages if some settings have different names. For example, 'foreign key maximum limit' may be called 'límite máximo de claves foráneas' in Spanish. (Thanks to Google translator, BTW.) - Error handling is implemented in this revision. Users see a success message if input meets the criteria, and an error message is displayed if there is an error found. - I see how I can use a loop to process settings, but I am wondering since not all of the settings have same test criterion it may not be a probable solution. What are your thoughts? - In the future release, I will write a little blurb about each setting somewhere in the interface. I believe it will better assist the users to know what each setting is about. I thought it may be important as some of these settings will be modified by some users for the first time. - Also for future release: input box is highlighted if incorrect value is entered, and previously entered value is also displayed instead of the one in DB. Of course, implement control over other settings, and use PMA_query_as_controluser() for querying db.
-------------------------------------------------- Best regards, Zeeshan Mughal Email: zeeshanmughal@ieee.org Web: http://www.zixan.info
About lang issue, I was just thinking about creating vars for each setting name. Sounds pretty reasonable. I should implement it in upcoming release. Please let me know what are your thoughts.
-------------------------------------------------- Best regards, Zeeshan Mughal Email: zeeshanmughal@ieee.org Web: http://www.zixan.info
Dne Thu, 30 Jul 2009 04:18:50 -0400 "Zeeshan M." zeeshan.jp@gmail.com napsal(a):
- I tried to generalize lang strings by excluding settings' name from the
error message. Each setting name is set in server_perm_storage.php. I just had a thought that it may cause a conflict with other languages if some settings have different names. For example, 'foreign key maximum limit' may be called 'límite máximo de claves foráneas' in Spanish. (Thanks to Google translator, BTW.)
These should go to localization files of course to be translated.