Title: AJAXifying phpMyAdmin with jQuery
Name: Emily Brand
Location: Chicago, CST
I will use jQuery to essentially make 90% of the administration ajax-style so that not as many reloads will have to occur throughout the site. Speed is quite a problem in phpMyAdmin at the moment, especially while running locally (at least on my computer). I am proposing not only switching the top navigation menu over to jQuery, but also editing table structures, searching tables, building queries, inserting new fields and new rows, and much more. I will also allow the site to degrade nicely if a user does not have javascript enabled.
I am planning on converting the following features to AJAX-style coding: Top Navigation Bar Adding Fields to tables Validating the inserted fields Inserting/updating rows in tables Search Function Query Builder Function primary/unique/index keys Empty/Drop/Delete
Does anyone have any more suggestions of things I can add to my timeline?
Emily Brand
eabrand@gmail.com http://linkedin.com/in/emilybrand
Dne Mon, 29 Mar 2010 17:38:17 -0500 Emily Brand eabrand@gmail.com napsal(a):
I will use jQuery to essentially make 90% of the administration ajax-style so that not as many reloads will have to occur throughout the site. Speed is quite a problem in phpMyAdmin at the moment, especially while running locally (at least on my computer). I am proposing not only switching the top navigation menu over to jQuery, but also editing table structures, searching tables, building queries, inserting new fields and new rows, and much more. I will also allow the site to degrade nicely if a user does not have javascript enabled.
I am planning on converting the following features to AJAX-style coding: Top Navigation Bar Adding Fields to tables Validating the inserted fields Inserting/updating rows in tables Search Function Query Builder Function primary/unique/index keys Empty/Drop/Delete
Please remember that all functions need to work also with disabled javascript.
Does anyone have any more suggestions of things I can add to my timeline?
No special suggestion, just follow http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/GSoC_2010_Student_Checklist