Hi All,
As I mentioned in my weekly report for GSoC for the last week [0], I've created a list [1] of major and minor tasks/actions that need to be Ajaxified over the summer. This list is a refinement over what I've specified in my project proposal. If I've missed some tasks, please edit the pastebin so that I don't miss out on completing important stuff.
Also, I've created a list of JavaScript functions (from js/functions.js and js/common.js) that I feel I can refactor without causing any major bugs in the same pastebin. Please do check it as well.
Thanx for all the help! :)
[0] - http://ninadpundalik.co.cc/blog/2010/05/the-summer-of-code-prologue/ [1] - http://pastebin.ca/1873367
Ninad S. Pundalik Twitter: @ni_nad | Identica : @ninad | http://ninadpundalik.co.cc/blog GPG Key Fingerprint: 2DF7 B856 C75E C9F9 0504 C0EF D456 1946 7C45 2C69
Ninad Pundalik a écrit :
Ninad, your list is interesting and covers a lot of actions. I am not sure about your intention for some actions. For example, the "copy database" action; what's your plan? Will the user see a progress bar for the whole operation? and/or see a display of the current table name being copied?
Also, reading carefully the project schedule, I became aware that you are targetting server_privileges.php. As this page is used by less users than the Search page, would it be possible to ajaxify the table Search page instead? A behavior that annoys me (and surely others) is that the search results are presented in a different page than the search interface and I dream of being able to refine the search criteria and see both the criteria section and the results.
On 28 May 2010 22:19, Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info wrote:
Currently, when copying a database, a series of SQL queries is executed and then, the same page reloads, with the successful query shown on the page along with a message that the database has been copied. Keeping this in mind, my idea was to show the response (success/error) in either a dialog, or append it to the current page. If the user has requested to switch to the new database, then the page would be reloaded with the new database, otherwise, the user can carry on working with the current database. This is a very simple interface.
For a progress bar to be shown, we would have to break down this task into smaller steps (like Create db, Create tables, copy data into tables) and stream responses to the client/browser as each step is completed. Or, can this be done in a better way? I'll read up streaming HTTP responses if this is to be implemented.
than the Search page, would it be possible to ajaxify the table Search page instead? A behavior that annoys me (and surely others) is that the
The search page uses sql.php to actually run the query, which I will be modifying for Ajax. So, it will not be very difficult to ajaxify the database and table search page. I've added it to the list of tasks. :)
I've created a page on the phpMyAdmin wiki with the list of tasks ( http://wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/AJAXify_Interface ). Please use this for further reference instead of the pastebin.
Ninad S. Pundalik Twitter: @ni_nad | Identica : @ninad | http://ninadpundalik.co.cc/blog GPG Key Fingerprint: 2DF7 B856 C75E C9F9 0504 C0EF D456 1946 7C45 2C69
Ninad Pundalik a écrit :
It depends if we want a progress bar that increases more or less in a linear way; probably not necessary in this situation, as counting the number and size of records before the copy is too much overhead.
OK, only if you have time.