First, as I'm new on this list, I introduce myself.
I'm a very long time phpMyAdmin user, a fedora/EPEL contributor, and I also maintain a little repository for Fedora/RHEL/CentOS which provides a lot of php stuff (mainly backport of latest version).
I always provide latest phpMyAdmin package for RHEL/CentOS because EPEL only have the "old" version 2.9.x (because of php requirements)
Working on latest 3.3.0, I want to use the new vendor_config.php (which seems a great idea).
I think an option giving the path of the config file is missing. So i propose a little patch to add this option.
Please review https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2965613&group_id=23...
Any comment welcome.
Regards Remi.