I'm afraid you can't rename a branch. And to remove a branch you'll have to open a request to the main SF tracker.
Right. I agree too.
OK. I've merged most of the patch submitted to the patch tracker a few hours ago. I'll try to clean this tracker during the week-end. For the login/logout problems I'm still searching for the best solution. I'll also try to send Marc an example of the upload problem as soon as I can find some time to do it.
Regards, Loïc
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Ciao Loic,
On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 07:09:28PM +0200, Loïc wrote:
I'm afraid you can't rename a branch. And to remove a branch you'll have to open a request to the main SF tracker.
Already done :) : https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=437576&group_id=1&a...
Just in case, I have a backup of current cvs on my home workstation.
OK. I've merged most of the patch submitted to the patch tracker a few hours ago. I'll try to clean this tracker during the week-end.
Warning, before 2.2.0 is out we need to translate the new strings (and there are quite a few ...).
The things are looking good: just communicated with Tobias, and the links will be updated soon.
So now, what about a 2.2.0 (or 2.5.0 ?) this week-end ? There are still lots of things on the tracker, but are there still very urgent bugs ?
I'll try to redesign the docs until next weekend.
Regards, Olivier
Great! :)
Personally I think that there are enough new features in the cvs -devel to call it:
phpMyAdmin 3.0
But, because we announced 2.2.0pre5, maybe 2.2.0 would be better :)
About the docs, I would like to help. With products like this one, I prefer when all docs is in one file for easy printing. I think about a unique Documentation.html with sections like:
- introduction - features - installation - configuration file - FAQ - MySQL primer (?) - developpers' information - credits
"Olivier M." a écrit :
no, i think the -devel tree has not enough new features for a 3.0 version. I miss the gz-dump, a reasonable Index Managing, a complete rewrite of readdump.php3 (its too slow), a sql "explain select" explanation and many more.
-- Steve
I miss the gz-dump
I'm working on it, but it's not finish. For the next version, i hope :)
Armel. ................................................................ Webmaster PHPIndex http://www.phpindex.com webmaster@phpindex.com ................................................................
So now, what about a 2.2.0 (or 2.5.0 ?) this week-end ?
I prefer 2.2.0 :) And 2.3.0 after GZIP Dump, Index Managing, etc.
................................................................ Webmaster PHPIndex http://www.phpindex.com webmaster@phpindex.com ................................................................