Other little thing: seems there are no checks made on the Create DB field (main.php3):
if I type "fadfdppö 'fa'fdax" as db name, it will be created without problem: drwx------ 2 mysql daemon 35 Aug 28 00:45 fadfdppö 'fa'fdax
Shouldn't we add a check to see if the name is valid ?
this *is* a valid database name: the proof is that MySQL creates it!
The valid names are defined here: http://www.mysql.com/doc/L/e/Legal_names.html
But... phpMyAdmin has problems dealing with those bizarre names, at least in the left frame.
IMHO, a new feature request for after 2.2.0 :)
"Olivier M." a écrit :
Other little thing: seems there are no checks made on the Create DB field (main.php3):
if I type "fadfdppö 'fa'fdax" as db name, it will be created without problem: drwx------ 2 mysql daemon 35 Aug 28 00:45 fadfdppö 'fa'fdax
Shouldn't we add a check to see if the name is valid ?