I just reviewed the changes made for my vertical browsing patch. I found an error in line 556, it says:
---- . '&dontlimitchars' . $dontlimitchars ----
but it should be
--- . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars ---
(note the equal sign, which got overwritten by the patch)
As for the last mail, you have to replace line 925
--- $verticaldisplay["rowdata"][$i][$foo] .= $verticaldisplay["data"][$foo][$i]; ---
by: --- if(isset($verticaldisplay["rowdata"][$i][$foo])) { $verticaldisplay["rowdata"][$i][$foo] .= $verticaldisplay["data"][$foo][$i]; }else{ $verticaldisplay["rowdata"][$i][$foo] = $verticaldisplay["data"][$foo][$i]; } ---
As well change
--- // 4. Gather links of del_urls and edit_urls in an array for later output $verticaldisplay["edit"][$foo] .= ' <td bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">' . "\n"; ---
--- // 4. Gather links of del_urls and edit_urls in an array for later output if (!isset($verticaldisplay["edit"][$foo])) { $verticaldisplay["edit"][$foo] = ""; $verticaldisplay["delete"][$foo] = ""; }
$verticaldisplay["edit"][$foo] .= ' <td bgcolor="' . $bgcolor . '">' . "\n"; ---
(Hope this isn't too ugly coding...if it is, I would like to know a better way. :-)
Bye, Garvin.
--------------------------------------------- Garvin Hicking / Mediengestalter Faktor E AG email: hicking@faktor-e.de | me@supergarv.de www.faktor-e.de | www.supergarv.de