Nasza firma obsluguje konto pocztowe adresata Twojego maila. Na zyczenie naszego klienta sprawdzamy wysylane do niego maile pod katem obecnosci wirusow.
Nasz program antywirusowy znalazl w wirusa w liscie wyslanym z Twojego adresu na adres: "marx@viper.pl".
List ten nie zostanie dostarczony. Prosimy o sprawdzenie swojego systemu programem antywirusowym.
Ponizej znajduja sie naglowki listu, w ktorym znaleziono wirusa.
Our virus checker found a virus in an e-mail sent from your address to "marx@viper.pl".
Delivery of the e-mail will not proceed! Please check your system for viruses.
Below are included the headers of the message virus was found in.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Received: (qmail 29675 invoked from network); 1 Jul 2003 12:39:17 -0000 Received: from fw.cemet.pl (HELO NI1) ( by dmz17.dmz.exprozone with SMTP; 1 Jul 2003 12:39:17 -0000 From: phpmyadmin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net To: marx@viper.pl Subject: Re: Movie Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 14:39:17 +0200 Importance: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Priority: 3 (Normal) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="CSmtpMsgPart123X456_000_001A6433" X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by EAV v0.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------