Hi all,
I tried to refrain from asking help as much as I can, but now I am almost done with this feature request and I figure I need to re-factor a large portion of the code and it would be safe if I ascertain the purpose of some specific chunks of the code written so that I don't break anything while re-factoring.
I sincerely wish the people reading this mail not to think of this asking for help mail as my inability to resolve problems by myself.
This is the farthest I got http://adityasastry.in/multicolumn.jpg(Screenshot functionality is not working in Ubuntu for some reason, so I had to manually take a photo from my phone of the screen and upload it).
As you can see the arrows are not pointing in the correct direction also the url's attached to those arrows don't work yet. For these problems to resolve I figure I had to re-factor getOrderLinkAndSortedHeaderHtml() function. This function accepts columns one at a time and checks with the isInSorted() function to ascertain if it is a sorted column in that case it stops the execution there itself and constructs the target url. I have rewritten the isInSorted() function and getSortingUrlParams() function to work with multiple columns and now I need to refactor this function to work with multiple columns.
While refactoring I had a couple of doubts.
(A) What is the difference between $fields_meta->orgname and $fields_meta->name ?
(B) What purpose does this chunk of code in getOrderLinkAndSortedHeaderHtml() between lines 1900 and 1920 serve ?
if (preg_match( '@(.*)([[:space:]](LIMIT (.*)|PROCEDURE (.*)|FOR UPDATE|' . 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE))@is', $unsorted_sql_query, $regs3 )) { $sorted_sql_query = $regs3[1] . $sort_order . $regs3[2]; } else { $sorted_sql_query = $unsorted_sql_query . $sort_order; }
(C) There is some direction parameter used in most of the code in this file which takes two values horizontal and vertical. What does this parameter stand for ? What semantic sense do these parameters horizontal and vertical make ?
Regards, Aditya