I wonder why in darkblue_orange's layout.inc.php we see $GLOBALS['cfg']['FontSize'] = '8pt';
didn't we decide to avoid forcing a font size, saying that this is the user's responsability in his browser?
See https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1494593&gr...
Marc Delisle schrieb:
yes, i think this too ... but the users don't ... i have no problem dropping this ... btw. after fixing this quirks mode and scrollbar bug i would like to implement a new selectbox on the mainpage, where the user can select font size in % - than it is clear that the base font size in all themes should be removed.
Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
Selecting font size in % does not seem very intuitive to offer to the majority of users. I don't remember where but sometimes I see icons looking like
A+ A-
The A meaning "text size", so users can increase or decrease it with one click. We could even store this in their cookies :) ----------------------------------
About the font size and this code:
select, input, textarea { font-size: 0.7em; }
Please also have a look and add your comments at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1494593&gr...
Marc Delisle schrieb:
why not a selection?
how about:
Font-size: [100% /] A+ A A-
The A meaning "text size", so users can increase or decrease it with one click. We could even store this in their cookies :)
yes of course, like lang und charset
this is one of the things that will be obsolete if the IE uses standard compliance mode to render our page - one of the reasons why i work on the scrollbar bug and the current fix on phpMyAdmin, at the moment the scrollbar bug is fixed by forcing IE into quirks mode, what makes all this trouble with CSS, the above is just one of this
Sebastian Mendel a écrit :
Ok let's try it.
I agree with removing quirk mode, but...
this one is not a IE-only problem, it happens in all browsers. Like Juergen says in the thread, even if we do not put a fixed-font size of 8 into a theme, an admin could do it. Then, Juergen finds that multiplying this by .7 gives a too small font.
Marc Delisle schrieb:
Hi Sebastian, any idea when? We have to think about 2.9.0 roadmap.
could someone please add:
$str['Font_size'] = 'Font size'; (label for the font size select box, uppercase is no mistake, to differ from 'font size' currently not used - but who knows)
to the lang files?