Hi, please read [0]; do we still need the feature where one can specify the order of databases? I never had the need for this.
[0] https://phpmyadmin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html#cfg_Servers_only_db
2013/2/23 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Do you mean if the feature of displaying db's in the order of the defined array in the config file is needed? Or do you mean if the only_db directive is needed?
I don't see a need to keep the 'order' feature, but I can imagine someone is using it. Why would you want to drop it?
[0] https://phpmyadmin.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html#cfg_Servers_only_db
Le 2013-02-24 08:18, Dieter Adriaenssens a écrit :
I mean the ordering part of the feature.
To avoid implementing it in the new navi panel (where it does not currently work).
2013/2/24 Marc Delisle marc@infomarc.info:
Makes sense to drop it then. Updating the documentation mentioning that this features is removed starting 4.0 should do the trick. ;)