one of the phpmyadmin users here has a request for us, and I want your
The csv data dialog would get a clarification and a new option:
__ CSV Data Fields terminated by ___ Lines terminated by ___
He needs to be able to add a special character at end of line, to ease
the parsing that he does with the output file.
If it's ok for you, I add the feature request and assign it to me :)
Marc (Lem9)
>Another little think: if you add a new string,
>please add it to *every* lang files (just keep the
>english translation),
Oh YEESSSS, it's so annoying to update the
translation else (I've just done it with the portuguese
that was posted to the forum).
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>I suggest this:
>in select_lang.inc.php3, just before the require, add this:
>require($lang_path . 'english.inc.php3');
Hum, that's of course the easiest solution for us. But as the
'select_lang.inc.php3' script is called many times within a phpMyAdmin
session I wonder if it's the good solution in terms of server charge.
>About this new tracker: do we have to send all
>translations requests to both the tracker and the
>phpmyadmin-translators list?
As to me the tracker would only be used to put a finalized new or updated
translation, while the mailing-list would be used for questions and debates
about translations. Just my 2 cents...
[About CVS write access]
>Merci! sais-tu combien de temps ça va prendre?
Pas exactement ooops... Not really. Three monthes ago you had to wait for
about two weeks, but it seems delays have decreased nowadays.
BTW you could ask for a support request from the SF main page.
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Hello, bonsoir,
A few thoughts about the further developpements of phpmyadmin,
and the current situation : please read and tell us what you
think, thanks! I would also be glad if you could post a short
mail to this list, with a few words about you, your projects
and what you want to do for phpmyadmin.
* We are currently 8 developpers on this project: this is
quite a lot of people for such a "small" project (compared for
example to mysql: 4 developpers, or other projects), so we'll
have to find a way to work together without breaking everything.
After a discussion with Loic, here is what I would suggest:
there are now 2 trees in the cvs:
* phpMyadmin -> stable
* phpMyadmin-devel -> unstable
To the first tree, let's commit only bugfixes, small new
features and patches, and new translations.
And the phpMyAdmin-devel tree is to be used to add real new
stuff, like for example the phpMyBookmark patch
( http://www.phpindex.com/projets/projets_presentation.php3?n=1 )
or an improved mysql users-administration.
All the fixes commited to the stable tree will also have to
be commited to the unstable tree, or the developpments will
be lost, what is not our goal I guess.
* Let me remind you that this project is still an _*unofficial*_
continuation of Tobias' work, and it will remain like that until
we get some more feedback from him. phpMyAdmin is still *his*
project, and my goal by setting up phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net
was not to steal the project, but more to make the things move, to
get some feedback, and to be able to add my own patches (needed
for a few of my customers).
I had some mail-contacts with tobias last year (a few fixes and question),
but then blackout for at least 8 months (and no new version or
changes in the official project cvs). Then after about 10 tries
and founding his new address, I finally got this message from tobias:
> Subject: Re: ping? - (phpmyadmin)
> From: "Tobias Ratschiller" <Tobias.Ratschiller(a)maguma.com>
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 17:34:28 +0200
> To: "Olivier Mueller" <omueller(a)8304.ch>
> Organization: Maguma AG
> Hey,
> looks interesting. I'll check out your sourceforge app over the
> weekend; generally speaking, I don't have anything against spin
> offs of open source projects. =)
> Unfortunately, these days I lack the time to do much on phpMyAdmin
> myself so your move is quite welcome.
> -Tobias
I answered this mail on the same day (so about 20 days ago), and I'm
now still waiting for feedback: seems he's very busy with his company :)
Voila, you know quite everything now!
It would be nice if he could join the team or give us the permission
to take over the project. An otherwise, we will probably have to
choose another name, for example phpmyadmin-NG, or anything...
* There are about 50% french-speaking people in the devel team
(from france, but also quebec and switzerland). But I think we should
continue to use english on the lists and forums, even with mistakes,
otherwise it won't be nice for the people from usa, germany, and other
countries... D'accord ? :)
* Before working on major changes (on the phpmyadmin-devel tree!),
please discuss it on this list before.
* Please describe your all of your changes in the Changelog
and the cvs commit messages (real changes, not every typo :)
* There is already quite a lot of feedback on the forums, patch and
suggestions pages : I'll try to give some answers and apply
some patches a few times a month, and you are really welcome
to do the same...
* Thanks for still reading :) Finally a few words about myself:
I'm a 24 years old CS student in Zürich, Switzerland. Languages:
fr, en, de and a very little bit of se (swedish). I'm having my
own ISP-company [ http://www.omnis.ch ], and work with linux
for about 6 years. Other open source projects: omail-admin
(qmail-administration interfaec), omail-webmail (for MTA using
maildirs), and odns. Only available photo is http://8304.ch/olivier.jpg :)
Voila, thanks for your attention, and I hope we will have fun
working on phpmyadmin :)
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch
Marc wrote:
>Ok thanks, now I just need write access to cvs :)
Unfortunatly we can't do anything for this: you'll have to wait till SF take
into account your status for the phpMyAdmin project....
To all: I've just setup a new tracker for translations.
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Just noticed the "Table type" option in tbl_properties.php (cvs),
and first asked myself what it was... I think this option
should come at the end of the page, not at the beggining,
otherwise it will confuse a lots of people... Anyway,
what is it for? :) Does it rebuild the table file using
another format ? Who needs that ? thanks for the info!
Another little think: if you add a new string,
(like: $strTableType = "Table type"; // Robbat2 )
please add it to *every* lang files (just keep the english translation),
otherwise there are blanks. The files will then be updated
later by the translators, but for that they need to contain all
the strings...
Olivier Mueller - om(a)8304.ch - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch - http://webmail.omnis.ch
Hi Marc.
>Ok please assign this to me :)
Done. Your permissions have also been updated so you would be able to do it
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vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...
Hi, bonjour,
I am the network manager in "Collège de Sherbrooke", Québec (about 6000 students). I also develop
internal apps in PHP, and I introduced PHP to some teachers here. We all use phpmyadmin, of course
The tree split is ok for me. About being 8 developpers: I think if it becomes a problem for cvs
sync, there could be less people committing changes, and more e-mailing of discussion and patches.
About the future of phpmyadmin:
- keep up with MySQL evolution
- stay user-friendly
- maybe database folders (to keep the left frame clean :)
- maybe integrate an application/form generator...
Marc Delisle
Hi All!
My turn: I'm Loïc Chapeaux from Versailles, France. My main activy is to achieve a PhD in housing economics. So I'm not sure to have many time to spend on phpMyAdmin but I'll do my best.
I'm sorry for Mirko but:
- I'm older than him (30);
- my other php scripting activity is... phpMyChat!
No website and no photo, sorry (let's say I've got a Venusian face :D).
If you won't dare, Olivier, I would like to add some comments to your original post:
* please work with a reporting error level set to 'E_ALL' while developping, else we would have to reply to lots and lots of annoying mails
* don't forget to use the 'garb_globals.inc.php3' library or at least to test the code with the 'register_globals' directive set to 'on' AND 'off' (same thing with the 'track_vars' directive for php3 and php4 < 4.02).
Also ensure it runs with all the 'magic_quotes' directives positions.
Hum... that's enough, isn't it?
Have a good day,
hi developers,
my name is mirko giese, i live and work in germany, actual for lycos europe.
and damn, it looks like i am the oldest here: i'm 28.
i have an other opensource-project, i'm working on phpOpenChat
i work with php and mysql for about 5 years, starting with php/fi and msql
then later going through php3 and now arrived at php4.
that brings me to another aspect of this project: at this stage its - as far
as i know - full compatibel to php3. that unfortunately reduces the number
of good functions a lot. maybe it would be better to give away the
php3-support (they still have the actul version working) and take all the
advantages from php4 in the next version. what do you think?
to the splitting in to trees: although this would meand more work for every
developer i think thats a good idea. if we keep the development in the same
tree as the last stable product and making the changes for our own, waiting
to the point we have a stable patch, we may loose the advantage of cvs, to
work together on problems. and as i know from other cvs-based projects: if
you wait a long time with comitting, you get such horrible cvs-conflicts
which takes a very long time to repair.
ok, thats all for me
regards from germany
Mirko Giese
> Lycos Europe GmbH
> 33311 Gütersloh