Robin Johnson,
Thanks for this modification!
I think it would be better to put "MyISAM" or some other default
in the table type, because some people will use the choice "Default"
and MySQL complains.
Marc Delisle
First to introduce myself: I am happy to continue my contributions to phpmyadmin. I was the one
that outsourced all the strings to make possible the multi-language version.
(By the way, I suggest that all new strings be put in the english messages file, and a request be
sent to the translators list about it. There are strings not outsourced in main.php3)
Suggestion 1:
At my site, most users don't have create_priv, and the "Create new database" box confuses them,
especially new mysql users.
I suggest to hide this box from those users.
Suggestion 2:
It would be useful to allow users to modify some parameters via the GUI, for
example $cfgShowBlob.
Also when editing a text field (blob), to be able to specify the size of the textarea.
Marc Delisle
Hi Robin!
>Please mark Feature 414807 (Table type in table creation/changing)
>as closed as I have completed it and placed it in the CVS. Can you
>also please mark Features 419841 (Maintainance Features on
>Properties Page) as assigned to me, as I intend to work on it next,
>and it should be done in the next few days.
Done. I've also updated tour profile so you do it yourself now.
Have a nice day,
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Please mark Feature 414807 (Table type in table creation/changing) as
closed as I have completed it and placed it in the CVS. Can you also
please mark Features 419841 (Maintainance Features on Properties Page) as
assigned to me, as I intend to work on it next, and it should be done in
the next few days. Feature 419830 (User Admin) is a nice long term goal,
but I won't get there for a while yet.
Robin Hugh Johnson
QTOD: "I used to be an idealist, but I got mugged by reality."
E-Mail : robbat2(a)
ICQ# : 30269588 or 41961639
Home Page :
Time Zone : Pacific Daylight (GMT - 8)
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Hi all!
I've some details about the feature suggested by Thomas Haluza (id 420812 in
the Feature Requests tracker) and it sounds interesting.
He's build a functionnal code but some bugs remains and he doesn't have time
to work on them. Unfortunatly I don't know anything about the use of gzip
with php so I can't help him. Maybe one of you.... ;)
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vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...
I think a todo list would be a really helpful tool, so that we can be
more productive with the project.
I would propose the use of devtodo, but I'm not sure what tools the rest
of you use while working on the code. I'm using it for my phpDNS project
already, and it works nicely over CVS, making it easy for my co-developers
to arranges things to get done.
Personally I use nano from a terminal connection, buts thats just because
of my (slightly) unusual setup.
Robin Hugh Johnson
QTOD: "I used to be an idealist, but I got mugged by reality."
E-Mail : robbat2(a)
ICQ# : 30269588 or 41961639
Home Page :
Time Zone : Pacific Daylight (GMT - 8)
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Version: 3.12 Serial: 2001041400
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Hi all!
First, welcome to Robin Johnson.... and thanks in advance for the help ;)
Then I'm proud to announce an other new developper: the bigest contributor
to the "bugs" and "feature requests" trackers at this time ie Korakot
Chaovavanich (korakot).
As Olivier would say: "Please document every changes and updates in the
changelog and on the devel list, thanks!" ;)
______________________________________________________________________________, l'email gratuit le plus complet de l'Internet !
vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...
FYI, Just added Robin Johnson <robbat2(a)>
to the developpers list:
On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 10:02:05PM -0700, Robin Johnson wrote:
> Ok, now i have made a decision about one thing.
> *Wishes to apply for position doing some
> development work on phpMyAdmin*
> First Steps:
> Change Table Types
> Major Goals:
> User Admin
Welcome to you :)
Please document every changes and updates in the changelog,
and on the devel list, thanks! And for the user-admin stuff, maybe
that working on a separate tree at the beggining (phpmyadmin-devel) would
be a good idea, what do you think?
Olivier Mueller - om(a) - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
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