Hi everyone,
Sorry for the intrusion in your daily development, but I've been lurking
the list for quite a while, just out of interest in phpmyadmin and its
continous forthcoming.
However, I have a feature request or pieaces to a possible idea. I first
thought about creating the whole thing from scratch, but it would be
nice to have it integrated with phpmyadmin, so if this is interesting I
could add some hours to this function and others as well, if wanted.
Well, a short description of the idea, I develop various sites using
php/mysql on a daily basis, and use cvs for the php sourcefiles and also
for mysqldumps of the database which changes from time to time.
And when Im finally done with modifications I'd like to make diff two
databases/tables and get a resulting alter query which would perform the
changes. Today I log all alter queries and then apply them to the target
database. This works of course, but the diff seems much nicer and
wouldnt need a examination of the target table for any versions mismatch
and so on.
So, does anyone find this interesting and is it a thing that could be
good for phpmyadmin as you see it?
Looking forward for input and answears.