You can answer just to Phpmyadmin-devel, I'm subcribed to it, so if you cc me I'll get answer twice.
> I think the second one would be better. PMA_mysql_query(something) is
> definetly easier to read and maintain than the first method.
Ok I will do this change
> Definetly splitting the patch up will get code accepted and tested faster.
Yes it's sure. I just didn't split it till now, because I just kept one modified copy of PMA and generated patch from it. So till there didn't anything happen about applying I did it this way.
> How big are they? They might belong in a new file instead.
> Possibly libraries/langconv.lib.php3
About 80 lines of functions, 20 lines of comments and 20 lines of code to load php extensions.
> > - added lang/{czech,english}-utf8.inc.php3
> Could you write some documentation on how people should write UTF-8
> translations?
I would prefer if they could be automatically generated, which should be possible. In patch there are also sync_english.sh and sync_czech.sh which do this for czech/english. But this could be done automatically for all languages. It's just converting chatset and adding one line about allowing recoding:
iconv -f iso8859-2 -t utf-8 english.inc.php3| sed -e 's/iso-8859-1/utf-8/' -e '/\$charset/a\
$allow_recoding = TRUE;' > english-utf8.inc.php3
How well tested is this patch in terms of browsers? Is there any danger of
> it breaking older or uncommon systems. One testcase I would like to see is
> using PMA from a web-enabled cell phone.
I tested it in all current versions of browsers (Mozilla, Opera, MSIE, links, lynx) under Linux and Widnows + some older versions (MSIE 4, Netscape 4.7x). Unicode is correctly supported by all of them. I didn't test it on any special systems like PDA or cell phones, but there still remains possibility to work as non patched version works - you can disable it in config or you can use language files which don't allow it.
Michal Cihar