> PDF related problems
the whole relation/bookmark/pdf stuff has been widely rewritten by me now
because of moving the tables to a central db so a lot has changed there ...
> - when $cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] is set and
> $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] is not set it produces just MySQL error
> message, but IMHO it should report that it is wrong configured
shouldn't happen anymore because of the different way that i check this in
> - when I want to have just one table in pdf and it doesn't have any
> relations
> I get just "Undefined PDF page number!" error
please see if this will still happen with the new code, even then i think this
is more a problem of giving a decent errormessage than of actually changing a
lot there - there is not much sense in creating pdfs of only one table.
if you want a column list of one table have a look at tbl_printview
> - is it possible to have one table on more pages?
yes it is, but should allready have been possible with the code you have this
is what we created the pdf_pages table for.
> - when I edit tables which will be displayed on some page and I select table
> instead of one already selected it is added, not replaced
? i was sure i had tested that. i hope i can test this again later when i
finished all the other changes
> - is there any easy possibily how to use it in just few databases without
> getting errors in the others?
this will work without problems now with the new centralized pma_db
> - it works only with iso-8859-1 charset :-(
because of the fpdf library that is used there as told in the documentation.
could you enable this library to use other charsets?
> Syntaxcoloring
> - (this is not bug just suggestion) Do you realy think that blue color as
> default for some types ("colorKeywords" and "colorAdd") is good? It looks as
> links, what about using for example: #990099
;-) rabus allready said this, please feel free to change the color and commit
> - when I create table with comment, the comment is not displayed (when
> coloring switched off it is displayed correctly).
it is? oops, mea culpa.. hmm don't have an immediate idea why this should
> Other
> $cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_comments'] - will it be used or it shouldn't be
> in config?
well i want to do this for 2.3.0 allthough time is running out - as mentioned
before i will be in malta diving for one week starting tomorrow, and i still
have to work in a bar tonight. so in a few hours i will have to stop. if i
cannot make it until then, you want to release on the 18th as planned and
nobody else finds the time to add this to tbl_relation (to enter comments)
and tbl_printview (to show them) just remove this
> How about adding links to db/table structure in left frame? I mostly use
> this page in PMA and in 2.3.0 it's one more click for me :-(.
me too, but i don't want to have more than one link per table on the left side
- i have databases with about 30 tables and i want to have them all on one
but we could have a vote of wether it is more practical to get to structure or
to get to sql page
Mike Beck