Hi again!
OK so let's keep this part of the script. But we may also ensure "enable_dl"
is set if php isn't run in "safe mode" and build a list of the
servers and the way to get their names.
Can anybody work on this?
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Hi List!
The only valuable part of this patch is its middle: commenting
the whole "dynamically load mysql extension" feature Steve
added some monthes ago.
Then since we know the "dl" function can't be used neither if
"safe mode" is on, neither with a multi-threaded server soft.
and since it'll be disable in the next php revisions the question
is: shouldn't we remove this feature from the official script?
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Hi List!
Let's talk about the 2.2.4 release now. With Marc we've fixed many very
little bugs since 2.2.3 (maybe it means the 2.2.? group is becoming really
stable :)) and I think we should quickly release a 2.2.4.
It would be nice if some of you can test:
- if the script displays the "create db" box when and only when it should;
- whether importing/exporting dumps runs better or not with the workaround
I've added to bypass browser timeout;
- if pointers (in left frame and while browsing tables) works with your
browser(s), ie there are neither js error, nor display bugs.
Any comment is welcome, of course,
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Hi Christian & List!
>We are using version 2.2.2 and I have to say: PMA is just
Fine :o
>A comment on the left frame:
>We use OmniWeb 4.1sp11
>It works ok but the expanding/collapsing does not seem
>to work: All databases are expanded all the time and it is
>not possible to collapse them...
It just means PMA works well: it has detected your browser
does not support neither DHTML, neither DOM (or at least
not enough DOM) and then do not use the features that
requires these componants. Else you'll face at least many
javascript error messages.
>Also the size of the fonts is too big in OmniWeb 4.1. Would
>it be possible to add OmniWeb to your supported
Of course, as soon as you can help us to choose the default
font size to use.
Just edit the "libraries/common.lib.php3" script and move to
the "PMA_setFontSizes" function: it defines the default font
size depending on the OS, the browser.... Patch it to fit your
wants (note that the "PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT"
constant used in this function is defined in the
"libraries/defines.lib.php3" library).
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Hi Lists!
phpMyAdmin 2.2.2 was released a few minuts ago. Wait till SourceForge
updates the releases page and you'll be able to download it.
Please have a look at it, translate it and, as usualy, report bugs.
Loïc, for the phpMyAdmin developement team
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Hi List!
Since nobody is shouting for stopping the release process, I'll roll the
2.2.2 revision within a few hours.
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Hi List!
Is everybody still OK to roll the rc2 today or tomorrow?
If you tested the current CVS enough, maybe it would even be the plain
To Olivier: could you please update the demo because you're the only
one that is able to do it (no write access for other dev. on the directory
phpMyAdmin). Thanks.
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Hi Dann!
>is there a reason why the style sheet are not in
>one file?
Well there are three:
1. We can't find time to work on this yet ;)
2. css used for the left and the right frames are quite different,
so the best solution would be (IMHO) to have to external
style sheet ;
3. the left frame style sheet widely depends on js/DOM
browser implementation and must be loaded by js, so it's
not so easy to do.
>I saw in the forums that there's some problem with font size
>on certain OS/Browser
Most of these problems have been fixed now. There are
maybe some Linux remaining problem but it will be hard to
check what are the good values for each Linux browser....
And I'm not sure something better can be done in this area.
>by having CSS we could start to centralize the data,
>then we could look more into the font problem by having
>conditionnal CSS.
This is already done in a php way (see the "set_font_size()"
function inside "libraries/common.lib.php3").
BTW we have wanted to build external style sheets for a long
time. If you would like to work on it please do it :)
Just ensure such an improvement do not break NS4+
compatibility (NS4 has a really crappy CSS implementation).
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Hi all,
First of all, I would like to say what a great job you made for the phpMyAdmin projet.
Now my question =), is there a reason why the style sheet are not in one file? I'm asking 'cause I would like to participate in making the changes. I saw in the forums that there's some problem with font size on certain OS/Browser, by having CSS we could start to centralize the data, then we could look more into the font problem by having conditionnal CSS.
PS: This all started because, I wanted to change the font color =)
Dann Cohen
Toxik Technologies, Inc.
www.toxik.com - (514) 528-6945 x 2
Hi again!
Thanks Marc & Robin for your testings :)
And thanks Robin for the tip about 4.1 or 4.2, I'll check it as soon as 4.1
is released (I'll already have the 4.1.0-rc3 but at this stage, the best is
to wait
the plain release IMHO).
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